One of the most effective ways to cut down on the spread of the virus is by quarantining people who have COVID-19 or have been exposed Quite possibly, the best approach to eliminate the spread of the infection is by isolating individuals who have COVID-19 or have been presented to somebody that has it. Upgrades in testing innovation have made the tests simpler to access and more precise in their outcomes. John Berberian says, "3D Printing is changing the game with regards to COVID testing. It permitted us to make another NP swab plan, rapidly 3D print them, and afterwards quickly tried and supported by Harvard University. 3D Printing has its constraints underway limit, and the expenses are higher than the Injection formed swab. This is why we 3D printed an Injection Mold Cavity which is presently used to create 2 million swabs every month. As the Founder and CEO of HSD Consultants, John Berberian knows about actual necessities and lab the board. He holds his ear to the grou...